Friday, February 12, 2010

Astanga, Day 12

So this city has been 'snowed in' for nearly a week, and in that week most of us have been 'working from home' because offices were 'closed'. When you are out of your routine, especially when that is more or less out of your control, you tend to let things go. Sleeping in, eating whatever you have (because it isn't exactly easy to get to the store! and if you do, what's left to buy?), and generally not doing much.

Then you have that moment. After the event, after you've begun to feel the effects of the inconsistency. Agitation that is unexplainable. Try cleaning out the apartment. Calming music. Making art. Sleeping. None of it works. Then the light bulb comes on, and you're back in the game.

My shoulder felt stiff today, and the first few down dogs were less that comfortable. But the surprises were in Utthita Hasta Padangustasana where I was able to extend my leg out on both sides, and most of my jumpbacks to chaturanga were nice and controlled.

I finished the set of Janu folds and then hit savasana. Not going to push it, though I had energy to spare, which was a nice change. I trucked through the earlier parts of the series, which is a good sign that my breathing is more consistent and my pace is also better.

I meditated earlier today, for probably 30 minutes. I think that helped some, but I was quite wound up and when I finally stepped on the mat it just felt amazing. I'm planning some serious TLC on my shoulder in prep for tomorrow. It's finally Friday, for real.

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