Thursday, February 11, 2010

Astanga, Day 10 & 11

This should really be titled 'non-astanga, day 10' because I did not do Astanga today.
Having taken the same spill *twice* down the stairs at the yoga studio in the last week, my knees are complaining and I have a finicky deep muscle strain in my back and shoulder. I originally upset my shoulder on Sunday on the first fall, and had nearly resolved it when I took the same spill again on Tuesday night. Now, nothing is helping except non-use. Being a very sinewy and freaky-skinny person by nature, even brushing my back against anything more solid than a pillow is painful. Nothing is broken for sure, but those muscles and soft cartilage between each rib are really unhappy right now.

It's all the more important that I rest up and get things back in order because I'm not interested in missing James Brown's class on Saturday. It will count toward my final required class in my Teacher Training, and the last time I took a class with him it was amazing.

I spent most of the evening yesterday planning for the class I subbed today - my first 'real' class ever as a teacher. I thought since it was the day after a blizzard and a lunchtime class I could probably expect 2 or 3 folks to show up. But holy mackerel, there were 17! Several beginners and new-to-the-studio students. The studio was freezing, but other than that it went well. I was so amazed by the wonderful dedicated (snow)gis who came to class. It was such a privilege to teach them today.

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