Monday, February 8, 2010

Astanga, Day 8

I practiced for 90 minutes tonight, though I only got to Marichyasana B (which I didn't do because I hate those half lotus poses). I added Bridge and Upward Bow, then hit Savasana.

I started out with a huge knot that I have had in my shoulder for a couple of days. I've tried to work it out, but it is very deep, and I wasn't sure how the yoga would affect it. My sun salutes were great, if slightly sloppy at the end of the B set because I was getting tired. Very smooth, very strong, and for the most part very accurate. I even found myself closing my eyes at different points thanks to doing that every week in Sivananda. My jump backs were great and solid, and my body warmed up very quickly. I did find myself getting a little anxious as I got heated up; I don't usually like getting really hot and sweating a lot since for me it is usually a sign that I am either sick or dehydrated. I think it will just take me awhile to get used to making that happen deliberately, because it is really quite important to keeping the body safe during the practice.

My shoulder was fine. Better even, as I got really warm. I bound almost everything (except those stinking half-lotuses), and my standing poses were brilliant. I did get a case of the dizzies after my wide-leg forward folds. I haven't figured out what causes that.

I did, for the first time today, appreciate already having my practice set out. I didn't have to sit down before had, or in the middle of a practice I had already begun, and figure out what all I wanted to do and in what order. It was already there - all I had to do was walk onto my mat and get started. I'm starting to enjoy the quiet time. And as I get the sequencing down, I am able to focus more on alignment or fine tuning my poses, and I get better at keeping present and counting my breath. The Sun Salutations and Standing Poses (except the wide leg forward bends) are enjoyable. Very cool since this is only the start of week 2.

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