Friday, June 8, 2007

Sugar spell it out...

Okay, first and foremost, if you don't already have and use Mozilla Firefox you need to get it. And use it. The number of customizations for it are endless. Imagine having a web browser that is tailored to exactly the type of things you use the internet for on a daily basis: spend a good 45 minutes downloading firefox and picking out your add-ons and themes, and that is what you'll have.

Second of all (this is going to be a bit of a technology oriented post), did you know that google has a new feature called igoogle, which allows you to customize a sort of internet portal where you can receive weather, news, emails, blog/rss updates, and pretty much anything else your heart desires on one page? yeah... go to the google main page ( Here for anyone who happens not to know). You'll need to set up a google account, if you don't already have one. Knowing the lot of my friends (and others whom I humbly imagine to read this) you all are already on the google train for gmail, so you won't need to do the extra work. If you set this google page as your homepage, you'll have all this great stuff first thing when you pull up the internet (your brand spanking new firefox browser, I presume).
I, for example, have my igoogle page set up with the latest blog entries from all over the web related to two or three of my greatest interests (for example, Tegan and Sara). I also have the feed, a weather feed, my gmail, and a few other nifty things.

You could learn a lot by just putzing around on Google for awhile. Google has established a plethora of helpful and non-invasive features to make it easier to use the internet (unlike the ridiculous but ever popular..even i use it... Google Toolbar which invades your entire system.)
If you want to search for something you are interested in buying, you can use Froogle. Or you can use google's blog search to find the latest blog entries related to your favorite topics from all over the interweb (and subsequently you can set up these blog searches to deliver summaries of the latest entries to your igoogle page, and lots of other places.)

If you have ever wished there was a hub for all the latest and most interesting news stories, podcasts and videos... there is. of course. Use, where you yourself can also submit stories you "digg" up from the surly depths of the interweb and share them with your friends and every other dazed and confused webber.

Also a set for those of you who are DCers:
Metroblogging DC

DC Daily Photo

Finally, a special Tegan and Sara update because it's just that important...
In lieu of the recent 2-month early leaking of their new album, the wonder twins have announced that they will be releasing the new album early on itunes - june 19th hopefully, but june 26th at the latest. They have also added two songs from The Con onto the player on their myspace page, which means you can add the songs to your profile too if you want, as well they have added a preview of the dvd that they will be releasing with the new album (can be found on their myspace page, on my myspace page, and Here)

Now I'm off to pick out a notes feature that lets me take notes of things I want to say as I'm surfing the web so that next time I post a blog, I write about all the important things I had to say, instead of just telling you random shit like this :)

PS, I'm on the hunt for the seller of those "What Would Natalie Maines Do?" (or W.W.N.M.D.?) t-shirts. I want one. The entirety of the interweb has failed me in my search, save a few photos of other people wearing them. Where can I get one?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

omg i want a wwnmd shirt too.
if you find one let us know?