Sunday, August 16, 2009

Step Away from the Sandwich Bags

Everyone knows I hate plastic bags. In fact, I hate plastic, but unfortunately not only has it become completely integrated into our existence but it is also integral in some cases. I won't argue the value of kevlar, or bicycle helmets, or life jackets (though I dare say we should be and are moving to produce these plastics in a more responsible manner). But I will argue with everyone on one plastic hang-up that everyone seems to have: ziploc bags.

I gave up ziploc bags about a year ago. I have three in my household, and I have owned them for several years. One is used for toiletries when I travel, and I clean and reuse it. The others are used for storage of candles and sewing items. I haven't disposed of them because they are in perfectly good shape and there is no use throwing away something (especially as menacing as a plastic bag) just for the sake of getting rid of it.

I have, in the past year, been seeking responsible and green alternatives. Ziploc baggies have become like second nature for a reason! We have a use for them! It isn't easy to find a spill-proof packable container that also serves to keep food fresh. I have a couple of ziploc reusable containers, but these aren't any better in the long run. They can be reused many times, but eventually they collect bacteria, and the plastic starts to break down after repeated washings (this means plastic and chemicals in your food). I have multiple sizes of pyrex containers (glass with high-grade plastic or silicone lids that seal) which I use for food storage and occasionally taking a snack to work, though only one container is small enough for that.

My pyrex containers, excepting my baking dish, are round. In the interest of space, these containers aren't logical for sandwiches or for dry goods like nuts, crackers, or even chopped vegetables. I was surprised to find a lot of options for sandwich and snack sized reusable backs and packs. has a whole page of selections (here). Some are made of plastic, some are wraps, some seal, some don't. Some are colorful with designs, and some are plain.

One thing I am grateful for as "going green" becomes more popular is having options.

I chose lunchskins. I chose them for two reasons - first, they are super cute. Nice patterns, color options, but not tacky or homemade looking; second, they are made primarily of cotton rather than plastic, with a 'food proof' lining. This means they are washable. They are a product of 3 Green Moms

They have velcro closures, and a place on the fold-over for your name (or your child's!). Most of the options I looked at, lunchskins and others, have kid-friendly pattern choices and bright colors.

I also picked up a To Go Ware sidekick, which is a metal round container (mine is about 4 inches diameter) that seals completely. I like to take yogurt or salad dressing with veggies for a snack at work, but those obviously can't be in a lunchskin. I buy larger quantities of yogurt so I don't use single-use plastic containers, but that put me in need of a container to use for my single serving snacks :)

In my hunting around I noticed that they have a lot of great options for 'waste free' lunches for kids, or just responsible green lunch boxes, bags and containers. There's really no excuse for buying a new plastic lunchbox every schoolyear, or for packing in one-time use containers and bags. Your kids deserve better, as does your wallet, as do you.

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