Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Twelve Laws of Life

I read a couple hundred posts a day in my GoogleReader, and today I saw Tom's Twelve Laws of Life - a compilation of mantras by Tom Hoobyar that get at the core of what living is about - and thought I would share.

They aren't laws in the sense of law enforcement - rather they are laws in the philosophical sense
Tom Hoobyar is a CEO who has undoubtedly worked with hundreds (thousands?) of people, encountered numerous successful and unsuccessful business strategies, creative tactics, and transitional periods.

I know a lot of people ask themselves or spend years seeking "purpose in life" and I have never understood why.
Life is both an End and the Means to that end. Life is the purpose of Life.
Tom's Twelve Laws are succinct and kind (which is good when you're providing information that could change people's lives).

Now, I'm not saying these are the be-all end-all, but I rarely find others who can convey verbally or through writing the very zen sort of principles that I apply to my own life. They are a good read, and definitely provide for a brain or heart jam if you're in need of one.

I could make personal testaments, either from experiences I've had myself or encounters and relationships with others, for each and every one of the twelve rules. I think anyone could. That says something about these mantras - that they aren't subjective or biased - they are relative to anyone.

Check them out: Tom's Twelve Laws of Life  [via Lifehacker ]

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