Tuesday, May 6, 2008

9 Rules

For numerous reasons and due to numerous events in my life, I've begun on a journey of simplifying my life. This means cleaning out, uncluttering, finding more simple "less is more" styles and attitudes, for everything from my web browser to the cords behind my tv.

I'm always looking for advice and ideas about how to do this, and I've got some really great resources (which I mentioned a couple of posts ago). Today however, I stumbled upon these 9 simple rules for life. They're so great, so workable, and so universal that an entire web community has been built around them. I think they would be a perfect addition to my life.

Here they are:

1. Love what you do.

2. Never stop learning.

3. Form works with function.

4. Simple is beautiful.

5. Work hard, play hard.

6. You get what you pay for.

7. Listen.

8. Constantly seek to improve.

9. Respect your inspiration.

It's debatable whether these will actually bring any direct change, but I plan on posting them in numerous obvious places to keep me reminded.
While the simplifying process is slow but steady (simplifying is simpler if you have a dishwasher)I think there is always an opportunity to consider the way I'm thinking about it. The mindset is half the battle.

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