Thursday, April 24, 2008

no grammar, homeskillet

my (not so) weekly reader.

1. came home monday night to a closet and bathroom dressed in cat puke. lovely.
she's always been an mischievous eater. plastic bags and rubber bands especially, but also plants, leather, paper, cheese, power cords, shoelaces... i guess cheese isn't that weird. anyway, i got worried she might have PICA so i did some research about it. i don't think she has PICA, but i read a story about a cat that went in for a vet check up and the vet found an abdominal mass. they did surgery and ended up pulling 28 elastic hairbands, numerous large rubber bands, a big wad of plastic and lots of other stuff out of the cat's stomach. i don't want/can't afford to have to take booger in for surgery like that, so i'm cleaning out my apartment.

2. i'm cleaning out my apartment. i'm working on becoming more of an unclutterer. not that i'm particularly cluttery to begin with, i just have a lot of stuff that i don't need or use or like. i'm taking all the cool ideas i read about on lifehacker, zenhabits, and unclutterer, and putting them to use. i already cleaned out my closet and did some work in my living room area. it feels good. i'm and organization junkie, so soon my apartment will be looking pret-ty cool.

3. i'm getting my hair cut. finally. at a different place. it's going to look amazing. keep eyes out for a follow up on that.

4. i'm making a list of obscure things i want to do with my life. and the longer it gets the more i surprise myself.

5. Juno is a great movie. Ellen Page and Allison Janney, plus guitar playing and canadian speak and weimaraners. ah.

Ikea Hack:

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