Wednesday, April 25, 2007

it looks like science...

in honor of the fact that i am finished with two of my classes, and that tomorrow is my last day of classes, ever....
i provide fun, instead of my ever-present ramblings. :)

hot link of the day: My Visual DNA

go to the site, click on "Create profile"
don't worry.. you don't have to give your name or anything.
it's pretty cool.

here is my Visual DNA:

if you have a hard time seeing it, click "Read my visualdna". sometimes it just doesn't pop up.
for those of you lucky enough, it is also on my myspace.

also, for your further procrastinating pleasure: create your own superhero with The Hero Machine!

all my artwork, drawings and paintings alike, are with me here in my room (where they belong). finally.

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